Sunday, February 15, 2009

Law of Averages: Day 15 in the MOI

It is said that you are the average of your five best friends. That is, if you take your five best friends and if you were to average out everything about them - their incomes, their ambition, their senses of compassion, their temperaments, etc. - that average is probably you.

Now before you go looking for the numerical quantification of this stuff so you can prove the formula wrong or right, stop and think of your five best friends and then think about yourself. You'll get a sense that your character is amazingly close to theirs - for better or for worse - and that's really the whole point of this highly subjective formula. "Birds of a feather flock together," in more proverbial terms.

I think of my own friends' compassion for others, their devotion to family, their calm, think-it-through dispositions, and their commitment to excellence in whatever they do, and I really like being the average among them. I hope you appreciate the binding characteristics between you and your friends too!

Sure, we could all honor our creative natures more, we could all loosen up a little, we could use a bit of dare every now and then, but all-in-all, what we do and don't have between each other leaves little to have to explain - and leaves so much to love!

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