Monday, February 23, 2009

Idea Machines: Day 23

Are you an idea machine?
If you're not sure? Here’s how you can tell.

In the course of your amazing life, have you…
  • Done the dishes?
  • Done laundry? Folded clothes?
  • Showered or bathed?
  • Brushed your teeth and washed your face? (Please everyone say yes to this one!)
  • Cooked a meal?
  • Sewn or knitted?
  • Driven to work or to school?
  • Taken a walk?
  • Cleaned your house?

If you do any of these things on a regular basis, then you are an Idea Machine. If you don’t believe me, then take note of what it is you are doing the next time you remember something that you forgot, remember the name of that math teacher you had in high school, or notice that a song is stuck in your head. You were likely doing one of these mundane activities.

Daily living doesn’t seem like the beautiful Eden we think creativity comes from. But daily living can actually set the stage for creative ideas to spring up. Once you get out of the mind that edits, you are an Idea Machine; you just may not have realized there was a higher purpose for doing that yardwork or commuting.

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