Thursday, February 5, 2009

Afternoon Delight: Day 5 (of 28) in the Month of Inspiration

It's not what you think.

More meeting with people - some whom I hadn't caught up with in nearly a year, others whom I hadn't caught up with in nearly ten days. Either way, when it's time to spend on a relationship, it's just that time!

This p.m., over teas, Thai food, and wine, was like a series of moments bundled together. Moments falling into order just as they were supposed to. Moments in engaged conversation, moments alone, moments running errands, moments of creative work. Whatever needed to get done today got done, and whatever needed to be said got said. Time spent on anything seemed neither too short nor too long, but just enough.

A relief, and still so effortless! I usually feel as if I am chasing myself down, chasing the clock, shocked that "It's already what time?!" or blown away that a certain task took so much longer than I had expected. None of that today - a day I had a schedule.

Each moment feels well-used, purposeful, and unwasted. Perhaps it is the dawn of a new collaboration between the once-elusive Clock and myself. Indeed, I was ON-TIME to every appointment today and yesterday. And not "on-time" in my usual sense of "arriving within 15 minutes." Timely without a sense of rushing or pushing or even trying.

Perhaps in inspired time, we are taking delight in everything, and we lose nothing to the thief named Worry. In worry, we feel need to direct time in order to avoid time slots that are empty or spent in irrelevance. In inspiration, there is nothing wasted or superfluous; everything is important in that moment, including my being there, and that awareness somehow distills what is relevant out of every pocket of time. I am working on an image that illustrates this best, and the analogy keeps falling short.

I am absolutely "gushy" over this new relationship between Time and me. It might be too soon to tell, but could it be love?

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