Thursday, September 17, 2009

"I didn't expect to be single at this age."

  • Are you wondering what you did wrong to get here?
  • Is a relationship the last elusive piece of your life puzzle?
  • Had you hoped for more than this, by this time in your life?

There's no secret formula and there's no one-size-fits-all solution to these questions. In fact, the answers are already within you, and they're uniquely your own. It's a matter of asking for them in a way that you can hear and see the answers.

Here's the truth:

  • You haven't done anything wrong.
  • Relationships are not elusive - unless you think they're supposed to be.
  • You can still have all that you hope for - if you know what it is.

And lastly, you probably haven't gotten quiet enough to hear this out of your own heart, let alone start believing it. Quiet just isn't part of our culture!

After all, it's not the theme from the majority of messaging around us.

Our lives today are so busy and noisy that it requires extraordinary effort to find any quiet in the day. But it takes a step outside of the hustle and bustle to start creating something else. We can get so unaccustomed to noise that stillness can become pretty jarring. Have you ever been home alone at night, and it be so quiet that you suddenly imagine that you are hearing things? That's what it's like to be "alarmed by silence."

You will get some of the most amazing answers when it's still enough and you're relaxed enough to allow yourself to listen. Can you carve out just 5 minutes of quiet today to try it out? Seriously, 5 minutes is all it takes! I wouldn't say so if I didn't do this myself!

(If 5 minutes is too grueling, start today with 1 minute on an egg timer and add a minute to your quiet time every day.)

In that Quiet Time, repeat to yourself one truth that you'd like to start believing. It doesn't matter if you think it's ridiculous today. It just needs to be a positive truth.

Some experts say it takes 21 days of this practice to actually see results, but don't be surprised (or afraid to share!) if "strange" things start happening in less time than that.

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